Posted inAnxiety / Entertainment

Change Advocate Hans de Vignes chats with Mental Health Counsellor Dennise Demming

Hans de Vignes

Hans de Vignes sees himself as a change advocate using his voice to create positive change. He entered the entertainment industry as a host/hype man and today is one of our most sought-after communication voices.

Hans talks in general about his concern for mental wellness and specifically reflects on his own experiences with counseling. He comments that: “we need to stop putting a stigma behind going to a psychiatrist and a psychologist” and accept that it is equal to a medical check-in and does not mean that the person is “mad” or “crazy”.

There is a generational issue where older persons feel that the family can provide whatever support is needed but family structures have changed and mental health counseling is now necessary for persons to thrive.

As an example of a group of persons who will benefit from counseling, Hans refers to members of our protective services and the social and personal pressure they constantly face. He also references the entertainment sector where it is so easy to get caught up in the praise element and for entertainers to see themselves as greater than their reality.
He commented that in a recent group session he said: “As entertainers, we are not inferior. We are not superior. We are different. And embracing those differences is such an important part of life in general inside or outside of entertainment.”

Hans explains that his first encounter with a mental health therapist was because he wanted to get his mind right to move on to the next stage of life. The interview ends with a passionate call for people, particularly in entertainment to go to someone for professional help especially because entertainment comes with a lot of criticism and a lot of praise.” If you would like to have a conversation with a wellness therapist, get started now.